Their analysis suggests that every additional 100 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter in the atmosphere lowers life expectancy at birth by about three years. 他们的分析表明,大气中每立方米每增加100微克的颗粒物,则降低出生时3年左右的预期寿命。
The capital city has pledged to reduce this figure to 60 micrograms per cubic meter by 2017. 北京承诺在2017年将这一数字降低到60微克每立方米。
The levels of ozone in some districts of suburb Beijing have surpassed 300 micrograms per cubic meter in recently days, as an average level of more than 200 micrograms in eight hours is defined as pollution. 按照空气质量标准,臭氧8小时平均浓度超过200微克/立方米即为污染,但北京部分郊区近日臭氧浓度超过了300微克/立方米。
Mr. Yu and Ms. Qiu found that every 10 micrograms per cubic meter daily increase in coarse airborne pollutant particles resulted in a 1% increase in emergency hospital admissions for respiratory disease, or an additional 830 hospital admissions. 余德新和邱宏发现,每天每立方米空气中粗大颗粒污染物含量每增加10微克,就会导致呼吸系统急诊病例增加1%,即就诊病例增加830例。
The Delhi Pollution Control Committee's standard for healthy conditions is 100 micrograms per cubic meter or lower. 德里污染控制委员会(DelhiPollutionControlCommittee)的健康标准是每立方米100微克以下。
This paper analyzes the lack of traditional settingout method and the advantage of digitalization settingout method when analyzing settingout of chamfer stake in cubic meter of earth and stone. 分析了土石方工程中坡口桩放样时,传统放样方法的不足和数字化放样方法的优点。
The results show that water productivity data estimated by remote sensing can reflect spatial differences in the amount of water output per cubic meter. 通过对水资源三级分区的统计结果分析得出:遥感估算的水分生产率可以反映单方水产出的空间差异。
Their standard model treats the universe as though its density did not vary from place to place but had a uniform, average value of one atom per cubic meter. 标准模型将宇宙视为一个均匀结构,密度不会随著空间位置而变化,每立方公尺平均有一个原子。
The transport cost per cubic meter of natural gas is gradually decreased in waveform with the rising of transportation volume per day, finally turns to a relatively stable value. ③每立方米天然气的运输费用随每天运输量的增加呈波形衰减状而逐渐降低,最后将趋近于一个相对稳定的值。
If they are all extended and the essence of matter is just extension, then it looks like, wherever you have a cubic meter of stuff, you have got a cubic meter of stuff, that's all there's to it. 如果它们都做了延展,物质的精髓也只是延展而已,那看起来会像什么,无论想在哪里拥有一立方米的物质,你首先要有一立方米的物质才行。
Taper removes voids at the rear of the bucket-more economical use of the bucket mass per cubic meter moved. 锥形可避免铲斗后部的空隙-按运送每立方米货物计算能更经济地使用铲斗体积。
Even though the size of our country is big, the amount of the water resource occupation per person is just 2400 cubic meter. 我国虽然国土面积大,但人均水资源占有量只有两千四百立方米。
Twenty numbers of bag can make one cubic meter of lightweight concrete. 陶粒轻质混凝土“即用包”能为你解决问题。
As to the series of concrete mixer truck produced by our company, you can choose domestic or imported chassis, the horse power: 240-420, the effective volume of the tank body: 8-16 cubic meter. 我公司生产的系列混凝土搅拌运输车,国产、进口底盘均可选配,功率覆盖240-420马力,罐体有效搅拌容积8-16立方米。
By making derivation and computation, obtain the method to compute hydrocarbon gases per cubic meter formation rock, providing theoretical basis for estimating reserves and calculating oil reservoir production capacity. 通过推导演算,获得了计算地层每立方米岩石中含烃类气体的体积计算方法,它为估算储量,计算油层生产能力提供了理论依据。
Linear Program Applied in the Allocation or Cubic Meter of Earth and Stone 线性规划调配土石方在工程中的应用